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Viero UK Customer Reviews

Viero UK Customer Reviews

Posted in Events

There’s nothing more satisfying than a happy customer.

That’s why we’re so pleased with the results from our 2017 applicator survey. More than 70 of our customers took the time to answer our questions – and the results have shown improvement in our customer service and product quality key performance indicators.

Across the surveys, we scored an average of 4.18 out of 5 for our materials and a 4.41 out of 5 rating for our customer service.

“It’s that moment of the year when you hold your breath and just hope your customers think you’re doing as well as you think you are,” said Managing Director Chris Walters.

“We were really pleased with the results but are determined to do even better this year.”

Fantastic feedback

These positive survey results also come alongside a number of great testimonials skilled applicators have sent our way following collaboration with us over the past 12 months.

Henry Van Der Vijver from HVArt met the Viero UK team at a Decorex exhibition a number of years ago. He said: “The products are very malleable and user-friendly. I like the availability, the fact that the team will deliver it wherever I need it to go and I think it’s branded beautifully.”

Also in London, specialist decoration practice DKT Artworks use a wide mix of products. They said: “The products all have different qualities and their own individual characteristics, but are all consistent in application.

It’s not only the product itself which can make the biggest difference, of course. Luisa Polidori from Polidori Barbera said: “We have always needed a partner who could produce our materials in big quantities and even put together a recipe we supply and Viero UK has always been able to handle our requests comfortably.”

The company Viero UK works most closely with is Faux Creation who haS taken the lead on a number of retail, hotel and restaurant projects delivered in 2017. Jason Ebers said: “Viero UK as a global business has a big corporate structure, but these guys bring a family feel to how it works on a day-to-day basis. The products give us a creative toolkit to create unique surface designs. The possibilities are fantastic and we keep finding new, unique characteristics in the products every day.”

Dan Dixon-Spain, from The Plaster Collective, is one of the business’ newest approved applicators. He explained: “You always get the feeling that the people at Viero UK want to help you. I like being on board and am sure I’ll be working with them for many years to come.”

Further reading