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Viero UK Applicator Feedback

Posted in People

The Viero UK training team has been showered with compliments since delivering its first applicator training course at the end of July.

Six skilled plaster applicators signed up for the two-day course in London to gain an introduction on how to apply 10 of our specialist products.

Applicator Kevin, who was one of the attendees, was not short of praise following the course. He said: “The training course was very informative and, throughout its delivery, there was constant reference back to industry best practice.

“It was delivered with good humour and a relaxed atmosphere throughout.”

As part of the course, applicators were able to test what they had learned by producing their own sample boards. These can be used, along with marketing materials given out at the end of the course, to show to prospective clients.

Kevin added: “We were given the freedom to try out all of the processes on our own, but the trainers interjected with good advice and coaching when necessary.”

With loyalty discounts also available for attendees, Kevin has been encouraged to specify Viero products to his clients. “I feel I got lots out of the course and now feel confident to go out to the market and complete small projects using Viero products,” said Kevin.

“I have a good understanding of 10 different products which I can add to my own business portfolio.”

We have more training course dates already in the diary. There is availability for 24-25 September and 26-27 November. For more information and to book a place, email Viero UK’s Specification Manager David Wragg on dwragg@viero.co.uk

Further reading