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Surface Materials Show 2016

Posted in Events

It only seems like yesterday that we were packing away our exhibition stand at Decorex – and here we are already preparing for another opportunity to showcase our wide range of surface finishes.

This time we’re exhibiting at the Surface Materials Show at the NEC Birmingham. Our specialist surface finishes could hardly be a better fit for this show with architects, interior designers, specifiers and industry professionals attending in a hunt to find the latest trends in the market.

The event, running from Tuesday 18 October to Thursday 20 October, is free to attend and packed with new ideas. With more than 20 of our products on display, our team will be ready and waiting for you at stand SM12/30.

We’re not the only reason to make your way to the Midlands later this month, of course. As well as our eye-catching stand, there’s more than 100 hours of free seminars available to attend, complimentary breakfast up for grabs, a beer festival featuring more than 30 lagers and ales and even a casino night for those who fancy a flutter.

You can click here to book your V.I.P ticket now.

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