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South London Apartment Renovation

South London Apartment Renovation

Posted in Products

A stylish apartment in south London has a new “industrial” look after a renovation featuring Viero UK’s Marmorin Hydro along with a customised concrete plaster effect.

Our specialist application team was asked to create a look which would complement the property’s already city design.

Richard, from one of our architectural client practices, said: “We were looking for something different, unique and seamless to distinguish the core structure from the rest of the flat.

“The range of Viero UK products offered us a seamless look but with lots of organic texture. The fact that their applicators could hand apply the finish added a softness to the structural form.”

Our specification team worked collaboratively with the architects from start to finish to understand the project vision and bring it to fruition.

Decorative plaster design was applied across the property including in the lounge, stairways, bathroom and around the apartment’s media units.

Richard added: “We’re seeing the industrial look become increasingly popular. In this instance, we wanted something a little more refined which resulted could still have a metallic, pearlescent sheen.”

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